Specialist Cleaners for your Patio - Natural Stone Yard, near Dublin.
Cleaning Porcelain Tiles
See below how to clean the most common stains on outdoor porcelain tiles.
Coffee Clean with just a Power washer
Red Wine Clean with just a Power washer
Chewing gum Clean with just a Power washer
Cigarette Clean with just a Power washer
BBQ Coal Clean with just a Power washer
Boot scuff marks Clean with just a Power washer
Jointing compound Clean with just a Power washer
Grass / Berries / Ice-cream / Greasy Food
Use soapy water & a brush & agitate the stain, leave to soak for approx
5 mins & then power wash off, if any stain remains repeat procedure
Tea / Marker / Paint
Always do a patch test area first - Apply Stontex Power Stripper Plus neat, distribute with a brush & agitate the stain, leave to soak for approx 5 – 10 mins & power wash off, if any stain remains power wash again.
Mortar/ Cement / Slurry Primer – USE Stontex Cement Away as per instructions
Rust – Use Stontex Rust Off as per instructions
(All cleaners mentioned available from Natural Stone Yard)
Visit https://NaturalStoneYard.ie and Go to YouTube videos of Porcelain Cleaning