Installation Tips and Guidelines
Installation Guidelines for
Sinai Pearl Egyptian Limestone / Menya Egyptian Limestone / Travertine
Installation Guidelines
A compacted layer of hardcore is needed for the sub-base. Then a full bed of mortar (sand/cement mix) to lay the paving slabs is required. If you have several crates of paving slabs it is recommended to open the crates and mix out of several crates at the same time to allow the colours to blend.
All cutting of the Egyptian Limestone or Travertine paving should be done with a diamond tipped blade.
Egyptian Limestone and Travertine paving must be sealed before or immediately after grouting with an impregnating sealer. (Stain Proof by Dry Treat )
Stain Proof by Dry Treat is recommended : approx coverage 10m2 per qrt , 40m per Gallon
Stain Proof Sealer is available from Natural Stone Yard
To Joint Egyptian Limestone or Travertine paving we recommend Ultrascape Flowpoint Smooth Rapid Setting Grout or Ardex Flex FL Grout. These grouts are for joints between 3-15mm.
Ultrascape Flowpoint Smooth Rapid Setting Grout 25kg
Available from Natural Stone Yard : 086 8234739
Our displays of Egyptian Limestone & Travertine paving at Natural Stone Yard were achieved by following the above guidelines.